Friday, December 29, 2023

在颠沛流离的世界里,你还有我啊!- Book Review

I am definitely not the target audience. The good thing is it is a breeze to read through. One can even say it is fun to read as every chapter is paired beautiful travel photos. Story-wise though, I just don't find it very gripping. Most of them are stories from the author's experience from his travel, with some thoughts and feelings mixed in. Some might even think that the stories are very moving and motivating but I guess I am already jaded. Now that I'm older, my heart's colder, this kind of stories is just something that I no longer find riveting. To brag a little bit, upon finishing the book, I realized I could have written a book of this genre as my travel experience is quite substantial too (may be with way fewer beautiful photos 😅).

Although this book is not my taste, when I decided to read it, I was partly driven by the curiosity about the author as clearly there is a market for his books (the actual main reason is it was recommended by her 🤭). Peter Su, an author from Taiwan, apparently is relatively well-known in Malaysia as well. I could see that it could quench the wander lust of many people. I could also see people find his books comforting. But I am just not part of them. To me, his strong suit is no doubt his photography skill, just check out his Instagram @peter825. Writing skill is just ok lah. The silver lining is 
"No subject is terrible if the story is true, if the prose is clean and honest, and if it affirms courage and grace under pressure."
to quote Hemingway from the movie "Midnight In Paris".