Thursday, May 1, 2014

The least dumb tv reality show

Considering the lack of money and lack of interest to travel to any nearby places, again I am not going anywhere this holiday. Probably getting bored, I just watched the entire season one of the Amazing Race. Since I was young, I always think that it is an awesome concept and I always dream of participating in this race and travel around the world. 

There is one saying about tv reality show : watching reality show can make audiences dumb. I don't know many tv reality shows but in my opinion, Amazing Race is the least dumb of all. Of course, I won't deny the fact that there are some exaggerations, for the sake of making the show seemingly as exciting as possible. But I think that most of the emotions in the show are genuine. Travel for a long time, sleep deprivation, and constantly have to do stuffs out of one's comfort zone can be really unnerving. Contestants can lose their temper easily and thus causing quarrels. 

Sometimes, we may even see contestants argue over something which doesn't even make sense at all. But I think it is perfectly normal. The race is forcing contestants out of their comfort zone. Only out the comfort zone that we reveal our true selves. And that is why travel together for a long time is a good way to discover each other's true colours. 

Not so much now but I used to travel a lot. From my experience, travelling in a group without a guide or a leader and everybody will have their own opinion. Some want to do this, some want otherwise, eventually someone has to yield. If nobody yield, conflit becomes inevitable. Either the group is able to go on with a plan but the opposing side rest unsatisfied, or the group is split and everybody does whatever he wants. 

Either way, I don't think splitting the group is a good idea. Once the group is split, it has the tendency to split again and again whenever there are different opinions. The group will become more and more divided, thus losing the point of travelling in a group at the beginning.  

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